In the good ol’ days, public relations was public relations, marketing was marketing and advertising was advertising. But, this isn’t the good ol’ days and the times are a’changing.
As the online and offline communication channels continue to mix and mingle like a pile of spaghetti on my plate, organizations are finding that it’s the
communication that matters – not who does it or what department it originates from. Has your organization gotten the message yet?
A new breed of communications Zen-master is emerging (we like to consider ourselves doyens, too~) and exhibits some key characteristics:
1) A keen understanding of public relations: Good press still matters. In fact, given the prevalence of crazy, anonymous bad reviews out there, it matters maybe more than ever. You are what the Internet says you are, and a good public relations partner who understands the nature of the offline/online relationship can make a world of difference.
2) A strategic marketing gift: Living inside your company’s print or online marketing bubble is no longer an option. Every marketing channel affects the other. Your offline objectives and online objectives should inform each other. Integrating that with a whip-smart PR plan is a no-brainer. And it takes a big brain to see the big picture.
3) A flair for advertising: Most folks don’t know the difference between advertising and marketing anyway. Advertising is a single component of a strategic marketing process. As a friend of mine said, “If marketing is the pie, then advertising is a slice in that pie.” It includes ad development, placement, and more.
Your online and offline portfolios are made up of all of these areas, and your partner should understand how they fit together to create an irresistible story for your prospects.
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