Is 2012 going to be “the” year for mobile marketing? That’s what the experts are saying, and the numbers back them up. Last year, Apple sold 40 million iPads, about ten million more than the most optimistic predictions.
According to the research firm In-Stat, about 65% of the U.S. population will own a tablet or smart phone by 2015—that’s just three years from now. Forecasters also say mobile device users will outnumber desktop Internet users within the next 5 years.
Pretty impressive stuff, but if you’re still not sure your small business or nonprofit needs mobile marketing, consider this data, compiled by Cisco for its 2011-2016 global mobile traffic forecast:
- On average, smartphone usage nearly tripled in 2011, to 150 MB per month, up from 55 MB per month in 2010. Increased usage in 2012 is expected to push providers’ service limits.
- By the end of 2012, mobile devices will out-number people living on earth.
- By 2016, each person will use an average of 1.4 mobile devices.
In short, mobile networking is huge, it’s growing, and it’s global.
Not sure what mobile marketing can do for your small business or non-profit? While new apps and technologies are coming out regularly, you can already give your customers:
- Location information
- Directions and maps
- Coupons and promotional deals
- Community-building contests, polls, and trivia
Mobile marketing allows you to deliver messages to your customers immediately, without the delay of traditional print or mail marketing—yet it enhances them, and doesn’t have to replace them.
Mobile campaigns are customizable, so you can personalize your message, products, and services to your target market.
Right now, the sky’s the limit for mobile marketing, with In-Stat predicting that 86% of mobile users will even be able to view videos on their devices by 2015.
If you’re not a mobile marketer yet, call us today at 678-561-MOJO. Chances are, your competitors are already growing their businesses with mobile strategies. Why don’t you?
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